Use Boolean Search for documents

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Beta feature

Boolean document search is currently undergoing beta testing.

Learn how to use Boolean search operators such as "and," "or," and "not" to refine your document search results.

Important note: If you toggle Boolean search on, you will only be able to search for documents. Toggle Boolean search to off if you need to search for leads, matters, contacts, events, tasks, or memos. 

To use Boolean search:

  1. Select Search from the left column.
  2. Toggle Boolean Search on.
  3. Enter your search using a Boolean operator.

List of Boolean operators and their functionality


What it does



Return results that match on BOTH connected terms/phrases

apples AND oranges
This search term will return documents that contain both of these terms within


Return results that match on EITHER of the terms/phrases

apples OR oranges
This search term will return document that contain 1 or both of the requested terms


Removes results that contain the following term/phrase

apples NOT oranges
This search term will return documents that match on “apple” but remove matches that also contain “oranges” within


Allows wildcard matching (partial search terms)

This search term will return any document that contains the term “app…” followed by any characters. I.e. Apple, Application, Apply etc

( )

Allows term/phrase grouping when using multiple operators

apples AND (oranges OR bananas)
This search term will return documents that contain the both apple and orange OR apple and banana

“ “

Indicates an exact match is required for the containing phrase

“apple banana”
This search term will return documents that contain “apple banana” in that exact placement

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