Add a Party Selection Ask in a Precedent

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Party Selection is one of the options available when using the Ask function in a Smokeball precedent.

It is used when there are multiple parties in the same role on a Matter and enables you to switch all fields that reference that role from one party to another.

For example:

You have created a Will matter with both a husband and wife taking out Wills.

In this example, you can set up your precedents to refer to the Client’s details and include a Party Selection option to select either the husband or wife.

The document will switch all fields referencing the Client to the selected party.

  1. Open your precedent in Modify mode.
  2. Click Ask from the Smokeball panel on the right.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Fill in the Field Name and the Question. The Question will appear above your selection options when using the document.
  5. Choose Party Selection from the Answer Type drop-down menu.
  6. Choose the appropriate party from the list and then click Create.

Now that you have created the Party Selection, double-click the Field Name from the list located in the Ask section and insert it into the document. It does not matter where in the document you insert it.

In the example below, it has been placed at the beginning of the document (highlighted in blue).

When you use the precedent, and there is more than one party of the selected type, you will be asked to choose which party the document will refer to.

Any fields in the precedent relating to that specific type of party will be updated to refer to the selected one.

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