Using the Safe Custody register

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

To keep records of documents held by your firm on behalf of clients, use Smokeball’s Safe Custody feature.

Safe Custody is registered on Contacts, not for Matters.

How to access the Safe Custody register

The Safe Custody Register is located on Contact cards under the Safe Custody Register tab.

To access a contact card, select the Contacts icon on the left-hand side of the main Smokeball screen and then open an individual contact from the list.


Alternatively, access Safe Custody from within a matter by simply opening the contact card or by right-clicking on the contact name and selecting Open Safe Custody Register.


Configuring Safe Custody settings

Safe Custody Settings are available from any Safe Custody tab and are firm-wide settings, not specific to this contact or user.

From Settings, you can:

  1. Set to manual or auto for Packet Numbers. Using auto packet numbers, you can set the starting number and the number of digits in your required number format.
  2. Show the External Ref Id or Firm Packet/Document Ref Id. These fields give another option to number your packets and documents, such as your firm's internal numbering system.
  3. Enter new Document Types to be used across Safe Custody - by entering the name and clicking Add button
  4. Delete existing Document Types that have been provided in the standard list.

Add a new Safe Custody packet

From the contact card, select New  Packet.  Enter the details relevant to this packet.

The External Ref. field is used to document any reference numbers related to the Safe Custody packet, such as barcode numbers.


  • The Packet Numbers can automatically populate in the Settings (recommended after all historical data has been entered).
  • To add a second contact related to this packet, select  Add another under the Contacts name. 
  • You cannot alter an individual packet number once it has been set, however you can alter the External Ref. number.
  • All existing packets related to the contact will appear in the left-hand column and once selected, the packet information will display at the bottom.
  • To edit the location or notes once created, users can select the pencil icon when hovering over the packet name.

Edit an existing Safe Custody packet

To make changes to a packet, hover over the packet name on the left menu of the Safe Custody Register, then select the pencil icon.


Note that you cannot edit the Document number.

Every time you make a change, you must enter a reason. 

This reason will appear in the History of this packet, which can be accessed by right-clicking on the packet from the left menu and selecting View History.

Deleting a Safe Custody packet

Before you delete a packet, you must delete all documents contained in the packet.

To delete a packet, right-click on the packet name from the left menu of the Safe Custody Register, then select Delete.

You can restore the deleted packet at any time by right-clicking the left panel and selecting Show Deleted. Then, right-click on the packet itself and select Restore.

Add a new Safe Custody document

New documents can be added to an existing packet for the contact. There is no limit to the number of documents that can be recorded in the register. 

A document can only be added once a packet is available on the contact.

You can also upload digital documents to the Safe Custody register as an attachment.

  • The External Ref. field is used to document any reference numbers related to the Safe Custody packet, such as barcode numbers.
  • When adding a packet, the Storage location will always display the last entry.

Edit an existing Safe Custody document

To make changes to a document, right-click on it and select Edit.

Note that you cannot edit the Document number or Packet. 

Every time you make a change, you must enter a reason.

This reason will appear in the History of this packet, which can be accessed by right-clicking on the document and selecting View History.

Deleting a Safe Custody document

Before you delete a document, ensure that it is set to the Removed status.

Delete a document by right-clicking on it and selecting Delete. Enter a reason for deleting the document.

You can restore the deleted document at any time by right-clicking the documents panel and selecting Show Deleted.

Then, right-click on the document itself and select Restore.

Reporting on and Searching the Safe Custody register

Reporting on the Safe Custody register is available from the Smokeball Reports tab.

To access the report:

  1. Select Reports from the left menu.
  2. Choose Safe Custody – Full List from the Report dropdown menu.
  3. To search the Safe Custody register, generate a report and filter it using the available options. Additionally, you can search through the list after generating the report.

Frequently Asked Questions

What information is required in order to save a Safe Custody packet?

Contacts must have an address to add a packet. The address requires a value in at least one of these fields to proceed: 

  • Street number
  • Street name and type
  • Suburb

How many Safe Custody packets can a contact have?

Contacts can have more than 1 packet.

What can I edit in a Safe Custody document?

You can edit any component of a Safe Custody document, except for the Document Number and the Packet it is attached to.

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