Compare documents in Smokeball

Microsoft Word contains functionality to compare two versions of a document for redlining purposes.  We have linked into this from Smokeball to enable you to compare documents in your matters.

Compare two different documents in a matter

To compare documents in your matter document list:

  1. Hold Ctrl and click to select two documents.
  2. Right-click on either of the highlighted documents and select Compare.image(400).png

    The comparison is displayed in the centre of the window as a third document which highlights the differences between the two documents. This allows you to make or validate any changes before saving.

  3. To save the compared document back to Smokeball, select Save As from the Smokeball ribbon in the top-left corner.

Compare versions of a document

To compare different versions of one document:

  1. Right-click on the document, then select Properties.
  2. Select the History tab, then click Compare on the two versions you wish to compare.
  3. To save the compared document back to Smokeball, select Save As from the Smokeball ribbon in the top-left corner. 


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