Add matter stages to a lead

Available on Smokeball Prosper+

Matter stages can also be applied to leads to give a bird's-eye view and track progression.

To add stages to your leads:

  1. Select the gear icon on the top-right corner of Smokeball.
  2. Select Matter Stages from the left menu, then select Add New.
  3. Name the Stage Set, then build it out by selecting New Stage for every stage you wish to add.
  4. To apply the matter stage to a lead type, select change... from the right-hand side.
  5. Tick all the Lead Types that this matter stage applies to, then select OK.
  6. Select Save & Close.

You can now use this matter stage on all new leads created from those Lead Types.

Matter Stages act the same way in a Lead as they do a Matter. The next step is to apply a Matter Stage to the Lead.

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