Smokeball Marketplace

Smokeball works with many integration partners to ensure our software covers your firm's needs. The Smokeball Marketplace is a one-stop shop for viewing all available integrations in a central location. Read on to discover how the Marketplace can enhance your experience with Smokeball. 

Access the Smokeball Marketplace

Using the Marketplace

Select UK under the region selector on the left panel to view all integrations that connect with the UK version of Smokeball.

You can further narrow down the integrations by choosing your objective from the I want to... menu.

Click on an integration to learn more about it. You can visit the integration partner's webpage or contact them directly from here as well.

The left rail summarises the integration with the following:

  • Important links to resources around the integration
  • The categories this integration falls under
  • The applicable region(s) and plans for this integration

You can also click on links in the Categories section to find similar integrations.

To navigate back to the marketplace homepage, select the Home link under the Smokeball banner on the top-left corner.

Find a Bookkeeper

The Marketplace also provides links to certified bookkeeping partners to help manage your firm's accounting needs. Select Bill and collect payments from the filters list to view bookkeeping options. 

Certified partner pages for bookkeeping feature client testimonials, a list of services, and a point of contact.

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