Exporting data from Clio


  1. Select the Contacts tab

  2. Ensure that ALL is selected

  3. Select Export

  4. Ensure the export format is β€˜CSV’ and Available Columns is selected

  5. Select Export



  1. Select the Matters tab
  2. Ensure that ALL is selected
  3. Select Export
  4. Ensure the export format is β€˜CSV’ and Available Columns is selected
  5. Select Export


Unbilled Time

  1. Select the Activities tab
  2. Ensure that TIME is selected
  3. Remove the date range to see all dates
  4. Select the Filter button to display the filter options. Select the following:
    1. Firm users: All users
    2. Invoice Status: Unbilled
  5. Select Apply filters
  6. Select Export
  7. Ensure the export format is β€˜CSV’ and Available Columns is selected
  8. Select Export


Unbilled Cost Recoveries

Select the Activities tab

  1. Ensure that EXPENSE is selected
  2. Remove the date range to see all dates
  3. Select the Filter button to display the filter options. Select the following:
    1. Firm users: All users
    2. Invoice Status: Unbilled
  4. Select Apply filters
  5. Select Export
  6. Ensure the export format is β€˜CSV’ and Available Columns is selected
  7. Select Export


Opening Balances

  1. Select the Reports tab
  2. From the tabs across the top, select the Reports tab
  3. Select β€˜Client Account Management’ report
  4. Ensure the following report filters are selected:
    1. Responsible solicitor: All
    2. Originating solicitor: All
    3. Client account: All
    4. Practice area: All
    5. Client/matter: All
    6. Matter Status: All
    7. Output format: CSV
    8. Columns: Client, Matter, Client account balance




  1. Select the Billing tab
  2. From the tabs across the top, select the Bills tab
  3. Ensure Unpaid is selected
  4. Select Export
  5. Ensure the export format is β€˜CSV’ and Available Columns is selected
  6. Select Export






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