Importing Contacts

The fastest way to get started is to get all people, organisations and their contact details moved into Smokeball.  This will enable you to create matters and get to work very quickly.

Before you begin, review your current contacts list and remove any duplicates.

Smokeball can import your contacts for you. You will need to export the contact information from your current system.  If you are currently using Google or Outlook, you can follow instructions below:

If your contact information is stored in your current Case Management System, we recommend you seek instructions from them, or search online for download contacts from [enter cms name]

For the best results, contacts must be submitted with each piece of information in a separate cell as shown below. 

Download & enter data into this Sample Contact Import.xlsx 

What will be available from a contact import:

Individual Contacts

Company Contacts

  • Title, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
  • Home Phone
  • Work Phone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Email
  • Home Address
  • Birthday (Date of Birth)
  • Notes
  • Name
  • Business Phone
  • Business Fax
  • Business Address
  • Notes
  • Any contacts associated with that business


Once you have exported your contacts, send the file to Our team will then upload the contacts into your Smokeball account. 

Need help?  Contact our friendly team

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