Fix a slow and disabled Smokeball COM Add-in

You may occasionally receive a yellow bar stating A problem was detected with an add-in and it has been disabled while working in Outlook. This bar will be accompanied by a  View Disabled Add-ins... button. This typically is due to Outlook disabling the Smokeball COM add-in, but you can resolve the issue by following the steps below:

Click on the View Disabled Add-ins... button. 

If you close the warning, you can also go to File > Info > Slow and Disabled COM Add-ins which may be in a yellow box.

Once you're viewing the Slow and Disabled COM add-in window, you may see the Smokeball add-in listed with the message "This add-in caused Outlook to crash.  As a result, it was disabled."  Navigate to Options, select Enable this add-in, then click Apply.

Your page may change and show different options.  The default is Do not monitor this add-in for the next 30 days.  Leave that option selected and then select Close.  The Smokeball add-in should reload momentarily.

Verify the Smokeball COM Add-in is Working

Go to File -> Options.

In the options menu, navigate to Add-ins and verify that the SmokeballOutlookAddIn is active.

If for some reason the add-in is listed as inactive, navigate down to Manage: COM Add-ins and select Go...  Checkmark the SmokeballOutlookAddin, click OK, exit the options menus, and then restart Outlook.

Disabled Add-ins

If the Smokeball add-in still does not load, there is an additional spot to check in the Add-ins menu.  Next to Manage, change the drop down from COM Add-ins to Disabled Items, then click Go...


From there, select the Smokeball Outlook add-in, select Enable, exit Outlook settings, and restart Outlook.


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