Smokeball System Requirements

Here are the recommended system requirements for optimal Smokeball performance. If your setup doesn't meet them, it may affect your experience. Consult an IT professional for further steps.

Grow/Prosper+  Boost Bill

Smokeball Grow/Prosper+

Smokeball native app

The Smokeball native (desktop) app must be locally installed for Smokeball Grow and Prosper+ users.

Recommended System Requirements

Operating System
Windows 10 (64-bit) or Windows 11 (64-bit)
32-bit Windows is not supported.
CPU Processor
3.0 GHz Intel i5 processor or equivalent
Recommended RAM
Minimum RAM
5GB of free hard disk space on the C: Drive
Microsoft Office 365 for Business
Broadband Internet Connection
1280 x 1024 pixel, full HD display

Microsoft Defender
We recommend Microsoft Defender, a reliable and free antivirus solution. Other antivirus products may affect the performance of Smokeball.

ARM Processors
ARM Processors are not supported.
Snapdragon Processors are also not supported.

Microsoft Office Requirements

Smokeball should be installed on a system that contains a locally installed version of Microsoft Office (Word, Outlook and Excel).

Smokeball user machines should only be running one version, copy or license of Microsoft Office. Machines running multiple copies of Office are not supported.

Office Online
Not Supported
Browser-based Office 365
Not Supported
Office Home & Student
Not Supported
Microsoft Office 2013
Not Supported

Operating System Requirements

Mac OS
Not supported
Terminal Server
Not supported
Windows 7
Not supported
Windows 10S
Not supported

Smokeball Web App

Supported Browser
Google Chrome - all devices (e.g. PC, Mac, mobile apps)

Important Information

  • Third-party software, legacy software and/or software add-ins may interfere with Smokeball's performance.
  • We recommend Microsoft Defender, a reliable and free antivirus solution. Other antivirus products may affect the performance of your computer/Smokeball.
  • Smokeball only supports desktop scanners that are locally connected.

Smokeball Diagnostics Tool

You can also download and install the Smokeball Diagnostics Tool on your PC to scan for any compatibility issues with Smokeball. 

Access the Smokeball Diagnostics Tool.

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