Transitioning to Smokeball: important first steps for new firms

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

The team at Smokeball is here to help you and your firm get started using Smokeball. To be prepared, there are a few simple steps to take to ensure you have a seamless transition. 

Step 1. Setting up your Smokeball account, forms & letterhead

For new firms, the first step is to complete our onboarding form included in your welcome email. Our team will then set up your Smokeball account with:

Step 2. Install Smokeball software

Download and install Smokeball on every desktop computer or laptop you will use.

Smokeball’s free mobile apps allow you to keep tabs on your firm on the go: 

You can also install a Google Chrome extension to save webpages and PDFs directly to a matter.

Step 3. Getting ready for your configuration call

Your onboarding specialist can schedule all onboarding and training sessions for you.  To be prepared for your first call, we recommend you:

  1. Download Zoom - Our training team use Zoom to guide you around Smokeball during onboarding and training sessions. Download Zoom for free before your first call to maximize your learning time. 
  2. Prepare your data - Import your existing contacts into Smokeball so you have real data you can work with during our training sessions.
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