Prepare Contacts and Matters for Import into Smokeball

Important Note

If you are using a third party platform other than Outlook or Gmail to store your contacts and matters, we advise reaching out to the support team of that platform for assistance in exporting your contacts and matter data.

During your onboarding process, Smokeball offers a basic data import for your contacts and matters. This ensures your contacts and matters are ready to go once you start using Smokeball. Please reach out to your sales representative or onboarding consultant if you have any questions. 

Before you begin, review your current contacts list and matters and remove any duplicates. 

Export Contacts from Outlook

If you were already using Outlook or previously using Gmail, follow these steps to export your contacts:

  1. In Outlook, Select File > Open & Export > Import/Export. blobid0.png
  2. In the Import and Export Wizard window, select Export to a file and then select next.
  3. Select Comma Separated Values and then select next. blobid1.png
  4. Select your contacts folder and then select next. 
    • Create a name for your exported .CSV file, use the browse button to choose the location to save the file, and then select next. blobid2.png
  5. Select the Finish button. blobid3.png

Export Contacts from Gmail 

  1. In Gmail, select the 9-dot button and then select Contacts. blobid4.png
  2. Select Export and then select Outlook CSV. blobid5.png
  3. Locate and review your .CSV file and submit it to your onboarding specialist. Your onboarding specialist will then import it into Smokeball. 
    • The file will likely be in your computer’s Downloads folder. If you access Gmail with Google Chrome, you can verify the download location by clicking on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner and selecting Settings
      • In Chrome settings, select Downloads to view or change the location. 


Export Contacts without Outlook or Gmail

If you did not previously store your contacts on Outlook or Gmail, you can provide them in a .CSV (Comma Separated Values) file using the format in the screenshot below. We will then import the contacts into Smokeball on your behalf. 

Click to download a model contact import spreadsheet



What will be available from a contact import:

Individual Contacts

Company Contacts

  • Title, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix
  • Home Phone*
  • Work Phone*
  • Cell Phone*
  • Email
  • Home Address
  • Gender
  • DOB (Date of Birth)
  • Notes
  • Name
  • Business Phone*
  • Business Fax*
  • Business Address
  • Notes
  • Any contacts associated with that business

Important Note: You should not add a "1" in front of any of the phone/fax numbers denoted by an asterisk in the tables above. Phone numbers should be formatted as 555-555-5555, not 1-555-555-5555. 

Export Matters

Exporting matters is a similar process to exporting contacts with a .CSV spreadsheet. Provide your matters in a .CSV file in the format below, and we will import this matter data into Smokeball on your behalf. 

Click to download a model matter import spreadsheet.

What will be available from a matter import:

  • External matter ID
  • Internal Matter Reference Number
  • Matter Description
  • Date Opened/Date Closed
  • Matter Status
  • Matter Type
  • Matter Billing Type
  • Person Responsible Email
  • Person Assisting Email
  • Originating Attorney Email
  • External Client ID (must match a contact from the imported Contacts .CSV file)
  • Other Side ID
  • Opening Trust Balance
  • Opening Operating Balance
  • Opening Operating Balance Date

Final Steps

Once you have exported your contacts and matters, send the .CSV file(s) to your Onboarding Consultant. Our team will then upload the contacts into your Smokeball account. 

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