Format supplementary tables on an invoice

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost and the Grow and Prosper+ Cloud Companion App

Smokeball’s invoice options provide for the inclusion of additional tables to suit your firm’s preferences. These tables can be enabled when you wish to attach additional data to your invoices, such as a professional fee summary or prior balances. 

You also have the option to include these tables with or without page breaks. Note: These settings are applied on a per invoice template basis.

To add and format a supplementary table in an invoice, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Firm Settings.
  2. Select Invoice Settings and then select PDF Invoices
  3. Scroll down to Supplementary Tables.
  4. Checkmark boxes in the Show column if you wish for that specific table to be displayed on the invoice. 
  5. Checkmark boxes in the New Page column if you wish for the specific table to be included as a separate page. 

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