Can I record non-billable business development expenses in Smokeball?

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost, Grow and Prosper+

Smokeball is not a general ledger nor is designed to account for your firm's business development/marketing expenses. Our recommended practice is to directly enter these types of expenses in a program which functions as a general ledger, such as QuickBooks Online. 

However, if you still wish to represent these kinds of expenses in Smokeball, you can create an administrative matter under the General type. You can record your business and marketing expenses in this matter and mark them as non-billable. 

Note: The expenses you enter under the matter will not be communicated to QuickBooks Online. Smokeball only sends monetary transactions to QuickBooks Online. Consequently, you should run a report at the end of the month from Smokeball to list these expenses and then input them into QuickBooks Online.

Additional Resources

Learn more about Smokeball's integration with QuickBooks Online.




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