View and edit dates and referral details on Matters and Leads in Smokeball web

Available on Smokeball Boost, Grow and Prosper+

Smokeball makes it easy to view and edit the open and close details on your matters and leads in our web application. The web app provides similar support for referral details. Read on to learn more.

Record open/close dates in a Lead or Matter

  1. While in a matter or lead, select Edit Matter or Edit Lead.
  2. Navigate to Matter Details.
  3. Change the Matter Status dropdown menu to Closed.
  4. Input dates into the Matter Opened and Matter Closed fields.

You can edit these dates in Matter Details anytime.

Note: For Leads, you can also enter a description for why the Lead closed.

Record Referral Details on Matters and Leads.

  1. While in a matter or lead, select Edit Matter or Edit Lead.
  2. Navigate to Matter Details.
  3. Scroll down to the Staff section and use the Introducer, Referral Type, and Referrer dropdown menus to input all relevant referral information.

Note for Grow and Prosper+ users: Referral details entered into Smokeball Desktop can be viewed and edited from the web app.


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