Apply a discount to an invoice

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost and the Grow and Prosper+ Cloud Companion App

Discounting is an invoice-wide action which is applied before the invoice is finalized. You can choose to apply a discount by a flat dollar amount or percentage to time and fees on the invoice. Note: You cannot apply discount to expenses on an invoice. 

  1. Open the draft invoice.
  2. Select Apply discount on fees.
  3. Select which type of discount to apply using the $ toggle or % toggle.
  4. Select the green checkmark to apply the discount. 
  5. You will now see the discount applied beneath the subtotal. If you wish to change or remove the discount, select the pencil icon. De-select Apply discount on fees if you wish to remove the discount entirely.
  6. Select Save Draft.

Did You Know

You can also apply a surcharge to your invoices. 

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