Learn how to organise data exported from your other software to maximize its compatibility with the Smokeball Data Import tool.
Best practice for preparing all data
To ensure your data upload runs as smoothly as possible, follow these recommendations before uploading your files to the data import tool.
- Remove all duplicates in your source file. The Data Import tool DOES NOT identify duplicate entries.
- Check the data in the source file has been entered correctly. If your data was wrongly entered in the previous legal software, it will appear in Smokeball in that format.
- Some columns are required when mapping during the file upload process. You can view these columns by selecting Upload and checking the left-hand panel for required columns. Ensure your input file includes columns that can be mapped to these required items. Input column names do not need to match those listed in the left-hand panel.
Import all your data together. While an import can be submitted containing only Staff and/or Contacts, most other types of data rely on Contacts or Matters being present in the same import. The tool will indicate when this is the case. If importing Matters, ensure all Matters and Contacts are imported together in the same import.
If your source file does not contain a column that can be mapped to a "Required" Smokeball import column, open your source data file (in Excel or similar), add a column that can be used to map to the "Required" Smokeball column (the column name does not need to match the Smokeball column name), then re-upload it to the import tool.Alternatively, you can download a sample Excel template on the bottom-left corner of the Upload window and copy/paste your source data into the relevant headings in that template.
- Only one source file can be uploaded per data type - e.g. if you have two source files for contacts, you must merge them into one file before uploading.
- Columns are mapped on a one-to-one basis - e.g. if you have two columns for Matter ID in your source file, you can only map one of them to Smokeball's Matter ID destination column.
- Note: The order of columns and name of column headers in the source file does not affect the import.
Preparing Staff data
This is relevant if you wish to add new or additional staff members that do not already exist in Smokeball.
Column Name | Required/Optional? | Notes |
Staff ID
Required | This is a unique identifier used for a Staff Member. This ID will not be visible in Smokeball and is an internal identifier only. |
First Name
Email Address
Must be unique
Current Staff
Is the staff member current/active (yes/no) |
Preparing Contact data
Ensure you have checked the following in your source data file before uploading it to the data import tool:
- As columns are mapped on a one-to-one basis, if your source data contains multiple columns for the same data, for example, a person address, phone number or email, and also company address, phone number or email, merge them into one column/set of columns. There is only one set of Smokeball destination mapping columns for each, regardless of whether the record is a person or company contact. See the following sections for more information on formatting person vs. company (Firm/Business/Organization) contacts.
- E.g. Merge the data from "Home Address Country" and "Business Address Country" into a single column "Country" or merge data from the "Personal Email" and "Business Email" into a single column "Email".
- You can have multiple email addresses per contact. However, you must keep them in the same cell and separate them by a semicolon ( ; ).
Names - Depending on the format of the source names, the import tool allows contact names to be uploaded in several formats, Full Name OR First Name, Middle Name, Last Name. If contact names are provided in the "Full Name" format, the import tool will automatically split them into the relevant name components during the upload process (including if they are company/organization names).
- Note: Full Name splitting may not be completely accurate in all cases, and you will have the opportunity to review and correct any issues during the final stage of the upload process. Any full names automatically split out by the import tool will also have the original input name copied to the "notes" field for historical reference.
- Contact Types - There are two types of contacts you can import to Smokeball - "Person" and "Company" (Firm/Business/Organization). If your source data does not contain this information or you have no column to map to the Smokeball "Type" field, the import tool will automatically detect and populate this information.
Addresses - To allow for accurate mapping of address information, separate the addresses into different columns for each of the below:
- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Country
- You will have the opportunity to review and correct any issues during the final stage of the upload process.
- Additional mapping fields are also available for Mailing address.
Column Name |
Required/Optional? |
Notes |
Contact ID |
Required |
A unique identifier used for a Contact. This ID will not be visible in Smokeball and is an internal identifier only. |
Type |
Required |
Must be a "Person" or "Company" (Firm/Business/Organization). If not provided, where possible, this will be auto populated. |
Full Name | Optional |
This field should not be mapped in conjunction with First Name/Middle Name/Last Name. If used for mapping, the import tool will automatically split the full name out to First name, Middle name, Last name, or Company name. |
Title | Optional | |
First Name | Required if Type is "Person" |
This field should not be mapped in conjunction with Full Name. Less than 200 characters |
Middle Name | Optional |
This field should not be mapped in conjunction with Full Name. Less than 200 characters |
Last Name | Optional |
This field should not be mapped in conjunction with Full Name. Less than 200 characters |
Suffix | Optional | |
Company Name | Required if Type is "Company" |
For company/organization contact records, the name of the contact goes here. For person/individual contact records who are associated with a company/organization, enter the associated company name here, as well as populate the person name (full name OR first/middle/last name). Less than 200 characters. |
Doing Business As Name | Optional | Optional. Can be used if a Company contact has a business name that differs to the company name. |
Job Title | Optional | |
Phone | Optional | |
Cell Phone | Optional | |
Business Fax | Optional | |
Birthday | Optional | MM/DD/YYYY |
Gender | Optional | |
E-mail Address | Optional |
Can take multiple (; separated). Less than 255 characters. |
Street Address Line 1 | Optional | |
Street Address Line 2 | Optional | |
City | Optional | |
State | Optional | |
Zip | Optional | |
Country | Optional | |
Mailing Address Line 1 | Optional | |
Mailing Address Line 2 | Optional | |
Mailing City | Optional | |
Mailing State | Optional | |
Mailing Zip | Optional | |
Mailing Country | Optional | |
Notes | Optional | |
Webpage | Optional | |
Tags | Optional | Tags for the Contact. Accepts multiple (; separated). |
Associating Person and Company contacts
There are two types of contacts you can import to Smokeball - "Person" and "Company".
During the source file upload process, you are required to populate the Type column for each contact to specify if they are a Person or Company.
You can also link a Person contact to a Company contact (e.g. they are a representative of that Company):
- For the Person contact:
- In the Type column, enter "Person".
- Any other person-related details such as Title, First/Middle/Last Name (or full name), DOB, Gender, and Job Title should be entered on this Person contact record.
- In the Company Name column on this Person contact record, enter the company's name (they are a representative of that Company).
- For the Company contact:
- In the Type column, enter "Company".
- Any other Company-related details such as phone number, address, email etc should be entered on this Company contact record.
The above actions can be performed in the source data file before uploading, or directly in the import tool during the file upload process.
Associating Person and Company contacts - Example
In the above example:
Bill Smith
- Bill represents/works for Carbolic Legal; therefore, "Carbolic Legal" is entered into "Company Name" on Bill's record.
- All personal details entered on Bill's record (phone number, email, address etc), relate to Bill himself.
Carbolic Legal
- As there are also company-related details that need to be captured for Carbolic Legal, a "Company" record exists for Carbolic Legal, with all company-related details (phone number, email, address, etc) entered on this record.
Jen Moore
- Jen represents/works for H&R Block, therefore "H&R Block" is entered into "Company Name" on Jen's record.
- All personal details entered on Jen's record (phone number, email, address etc), relate to Jen.
- As there are no company-related details that need to be captured for H&R Block, a "Company" record does not need to be added (however, it is also ok if there is).
- The import tool will automatically create a company contact "H&R Block" in Smokeball (associated with Jen) when the import is submitted.
Adam Jenkins
- Is not associated with a Company.
- Is a company contact and has no associated representatives (people).
'Person details not valid' error message
When uploading your data to the Data Import tool, if it detects person-related details on a Company contact, it will generate an error: "Person details not valid".
See the below example where there is an error message appearing for Company-type contacts as they contain Gender information, which is only meant for Person-type contacts.
Preparing Matter data
You don't need to upload a separate source file for your Matter Types. Matter type information should be included in the Matters source file, and you will have the opportunity to map them to Smokeball Matter Types after uploading your Matters.
Column Name |
Required/Optional? |
Notes |
Matter ID |
Required |
Unique identifier used for Matter. This ID will not be visible in Smokeball and is an internal identifier only. |
Matter Number / Reference | Required | |
Matter Description | Required | |
Matter Status | Required | |
Date Opened | Required | MM/DD/YYYY |
Date Closed | Required if matter status = "Closed" | MM/DD/YYYY |
Matter Type | Required | Matter Type as listed in your previous legal software. |
Billing Type | Optional | Picklist of supported Smokeball Billing Types. |
Attorney Responsible Email | Optional | Email address of the staff member. This staff member must exist in Smokeball, or the staff import file for the current import. |
Person Assisting Email | Optional | Email address of the staff member. This staff member must exist in Smokeball, or the staff import file for the current import. |
Originating Attorney Email | Optional | Email address of the staff member. This staff member must exist in Smokeball, or the staff import file for the current import. |
Client ID |
Required Can take multiple (separate entries with "&") |
Contact ID of the Client for the Matter. This ID must exist in the contact import file for the current import. |
Other Side ID |
Optional Can take multiple (separate entries with "&") |
Contact ID of the Other Side for the Matter. This ID must exist in the contact import file for the current import. |
Other Sides Attorney ID | Optional | Contact ID of the Other Sides Attorney for the Matter. This ID must exist in the contact import file for the current import. |
Deleted? | Optional | Defaults to "No" unless supplied otherwise. |
Matter Types
You don't need to upload a separate source file for your Matter Types. Matter type information should be included in the Matters source file, and you will have the opportunity to map them to Smokeball Matter Types after uploading your Matters.
Column Name |
Required/Optional? |
Notes |
Input Matter Type | Required (will be pre-populated) | This column will be auto-populated with matter types from the uploaded Matters file. |
Smokeball Matter Type | Required |
A relevant Smokeball Matter Type will need to be selected for each input Matter Type. Some Smokeball Matter Types have multiple "acting for" options, for example, Insurance Coverage - Insured and Insurance Coverage - Insurer. Where this is the case, you will see various options available for selection in the Smokeball Matter Type dropdowns and can select the most suitable choice. |
Preparing Opening Balance data
Import opening Operating, Credit, and Trust account balances for Matters.
Column Name |
Required/Optional? |
Notes |
Matter ID | Required | The ID of the Matter associated to the Opening balances. A Matter with this ID must exist in the Matter import file for the current import. |
Opening Operating Balance ($) | Optional | The Opening Operating Balance of the Matter ($) - e.g. "1500.50" or "800.00" or "0.00" or "123.00" |
Opening Operating Balance Date | Required if balance is above zero | The date used for the Matter opening Operating balance (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Opening Credit Balance ($) | Optional | The Opening Credit Balance of the Matter ($) - e.g. "1500.50" or "800.00" or "0.00" or "123.00" |
Opening Credit Balance Date | Required if balance is above zero | The date used for the Matter opening Credit balance (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Opening Trust Balance ($) | Optional | The Opening Trust Balance of the Matter ($) - e.g. "1500.50" or "800.00" or "0.00" or "123.00" |
Opening Trust Balance Date | Required if balance is above zero | The date used for the Matter opening Trust balance (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Preparing Activity Type Data
Imported Activity Types can be used for time, fee, or expense entries created once you are up and running with Smokeball. Activity Types are not required to import Unbilled Entries.
Column Name |
Required/Optional? |
Notes |
Code | Required | A code used for the Activity (between 2-5 characters). Must be unique. |
Type | Required | The type of activity (Fixed Fee, Time Based, Expense). |
Description | Required | A short description of the Activity. |
Rate ($) | Required | The rate ($) of the Activity - e.g. "100.50" or "500.00" or "0.00" |
Duration (Hours) | Required if Type = Time Based | If type = "Time Based", the duration of the Activity in hours - e.g. "1.0" or "1.5" or "2.0" (if not set, will default to 1.0 in Smokeball). |
Quantity | Required if Type = Expense | If Type = "Expense", the quantity of the Activity - e.g. "1.0" or "1.5" or "2.0" (if not set, will default to 1.0 in Smokeball). |
Cost Type | Optional |
If type = "Expense", indicate if the cost type is Hard or Soft (defaults to "Hard" in Smokeball if left empty). |
Preparing Unbilled Time & Fee data
All unbilled entries must be associated with a Matter; therefore, Matters must be uploaded and valid before Unbilled Entries can be added.
Column Name |
Required/Optional? |
Notes |
Matter ID | Required | The ID of the Matter associated to the entry. A Matter with this ID must exist in the Matter import file for the current import. |
Staff Email | Required | Email address of the staff member associated with the entry. A staff member with this email address must exist in Smokeball, or the Staff import file for the current import. |
Date | Required | The date of the entry (MM/DD/YYYY) |
Type | Required | The type of entry (Fixed Fee or Time Based). |
Activity Code | Optional |
Optional. Must match a Code from an Activity Type in Smokeball, or the Activity Type import file for the current import. Assigning an activity code to an entry will not override/set other entry details (description, rate, duration etc). |
UTBMS Activity Code | Optional |
Optional. Cannot be combined with Activity Code (if UTBMS is used, Activity Code must be empty and vice versa). UTBMS Activity Code cannot be specified without a UTBMS Task Code. UTBMS Task Code can be specified without a UTBMS Activity Code. |
UTBMS Task Code | Optional |
Optional. Cannot be combined with Activity Code (if UTBMS is used, Activity Code must be empty and vice versa). UTBMS Activity Code cannot be specified without a UTBMS Task Code. UTBMS Task Code can be specified without a UTBMS Activity Code. |
Description | Required | A short description of the entry. |
Rate ($) | Required | The rate ($) of the entry - e.g. "100.50" or "500.00" or "0.00" (defaults to 0.00 if left empty). |
Duration (Hours) | Required if Type = Time Based | If type = "Time Based", the duration of the entry in hours - e.g. "0.5" or "1.5" or "2.0" (must be above 0). |
Billable | Required |
Yes/No. Indicate if the entry is billable (defaults to "Yes" if left empty). |
Waived | Required |
Yes/No. Indicate if the entry is waived/written-off (defaults to "No" if left empty). |
Preparing Unbilled Expense data
All unbilled entries must be associated with a Matter; therefore, Matters must be uploaded and valid before Unbilled Entries can be added.
Column Name |
Required/Optional? |
Notes |
Matter ID | Required | The ID of the Matter associated to the entry. A Matter with this ID must exist in the Matter import file for the current import. |
Staff Email | Required | Email address of the staff member associated with the entry. A staff member with this email address must exist in Smokeball, or the Staff import file for the current import. |
Date | Required | The date of the entry (MM/DD/YYYY) |
Activity Code | Optional |
Optional. Must match a Code from an Activity Type in Smokeball, or the Activity Type import file for the current import. Assigning an activity code to an entry will not override/set other entry details (description, rate, quantity etc). |
UTBMS Activity Code | Optional |
Optional. Cannot be combined with Activity Code (if UTBMS is used, Activity Code must be empty and vice versa). Only one UTBMS Code can have a value (UTBMS Activity Code or UTBMS Task Code or all empty). |
UTBMS Task Code | Optional |
Optional. Cannot be combined with Activity Code (if UTBMS is used, Activity Code must be empty and vice versa). Only one UTBMS Code can have a value (UTBMS Activity Code or UTBMS Task Code or all empty). |
Description | Required | A short subject description of the entry. |
Rate ($) | Required | The rate ($) of the entry - e.g. "100.50" or "500.00" or "0.00" (defaults to 0.00 if left empty). |
Quantity | Required | The quantity of the entry - e.g. "0.5" or "1.5" or "2.0" |
Billable | Required | Yes/No. Indicate if the entry is billable (defaults to "Yes" if left empty). |
Waived | Required | Yes/No. Indicate if the entry is waived/written-off (defaults to "No" if left empty). |
Cost Type | Optional |
If type = "Expense", indicate if the cost type is Hard or Soft (defaults to "Hard" in Smokeball if left empty). |
Preparing Invoice data
Import unpaid and part paid invoices only. Paid invoices cannot be imported.
All Invoices must be associated with a Matter and a Contact (debtor); therefore, Matters and Contacts must be uploaded and valid before Invoices can be added.
When importing invoices, the total amount for each invoice is represented by a single Fee and/or Expense line item in Smokeball.
The invoice Issue Date and Staff Member provided for each invoice will also be used for the Fee and/or Expense line items on the invoice.
Column Name |
Required/Optional? |
Notes |
Invoice Number | Required | Must a be unique number with no leading zeros. |
Debtor ID | Required |
The ID of the Contact who is the debtor on the Invoice (accepts multiple, & separated). Three maximum. This ID must exist in the Contact import file for the current import. |
Matter ID | Required | The Matter ID of the associated Matter. A matter with this ID must exist in the Matter import file for the current import. |
Issue Date | Required |
The Invoice Issue Date (MM/DD/YYYY). Will also be used as the date for Fee/Expense line items. |
Due Date | Required | The Invoice Due Date (MM/DD/YYYY). |
Title | Required | Title text for the Invoice. 255-character max. |
Subtitle | Optional | Subtitle text for the Invoice. This will appear under the main Title. 255-character max. |
Notes | Optional | Footer notes for the invoice. This text will appear at the bottom of the invoice. |
Total ($) | Required |
Overall Invoice Total. Must be above 0.00 - e.g. "1500.50" or "800.00" or "123.00". |
Fee Total ($) | Required |
Fee portion amount - e.g. "1500.50" or "800.00" or "0.00" or "123.00". |
Expense Total ($) | Required |
Cost Recovery portion amount - e.g. "1500.50" or "800.00" or "0.00" or "123.00". |
Amount Due ($) | Required |
Must be above 0.00 as only unpaid/part paid invoices can be imported. Where Amount Due is less than the Total amount, a payment will be created and applied to the invoice automatically on import for the difference. |
Payment Date | Required when the Amount Due is less than the Total Amount |
Required when the Amount Due is less than the Total Amount (MM/DD/YYYY). A payment will be created and applied to the invoice automatically on import for the difference. |
Staff Email | Required |
Required. Imported invoices must have an owner. A staff member with this email address must exist in Smokeball, or the Staff import file for the current import. This will also be the staff member used for assignment of the Fee and Expense line items on the invoice. |
Preparing Memo data
Memos must be associated with a Matter. Therefore, Matters must be uploaded and valid before Memo data can be added.
Column Name |
Required/Optional? |
Notes |
Memo ID | Required | Unique ID for the Memo. This ID will not be visible in Smokeball and is an internal identifier only. |
Matter ID | Required | Required for all Memos. The Matter ID of the associated Matter. A matter with this ID must exist in the Matter import file for the current import. |
Date & Time | Required |
Memo date & time (24-hour). Not visible in Smokeball Web but retained for historical reference. If not populated, will default to the date of upload (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM). E.g. 05/08/2024 14:30 |
Subject | Required |
Subject of the Memo (If not populated, where possible, the first 50 characters of the memo text will be used). Maximum 200 characters. |
Text | Required | Full Memo text (If not populated, where possible, the subject of the memo will be used). |
Created By Staff Email | Required | Email address of the staff member who created the Memo. A staff member with this email address must exist in Smokeball, or the Staff import file for the current import. |
Preparing Task data
Column Name |
Required/Optional? |
Notes |
Task ID | Required | Unique identifier for the Task. This ID will not be visible in Smokeball and is an internal identifier only. |
Matter ID | Optional | The Matter ID of the associated Matter (optional). If supplied, a Matter with this ID must exist in the Matters import file for the current import. |
Name | Required | Name of the Task |
Description | Optional | Task description (max 8,000 characters) |
Status | Required | Task Status (Complete or Incomplete) |
Created Date | Required | Date the Task was created (MM/DD/YYYY) |
Created By Staff Email | Required | Email address of the staff member who created the Task. A staff member with this email address must exist in Smokeball, or the Staff import file for the current import. |
Assignee Staff Email | Optional | Email address of the Task assignee (accepts multiple, & separated). If supplied, a staff member with this email address must exist in Smokeball, or the Staff import file for the current import. |
Due Date | Optional | Due date of the Task (MM/DD/YYYY) |
Completed Date | Required if status is "Complete" | The completion date of the Task. Required if Status = Complete (MM/DD/YYYY) |
Completed By Staff Email | Required if status is "Complete" | Email address of the Staff who completed the Task. Required if Status = Complete. If supplied, a staff member with this email address must exist in Smokeball, or the Staff import file for the current import. |
Duration | Optional | Duration of the Task (MM or HH:MM) - e.g. "01" or "15" or "1:30" or "01:06". |
Handy Tip: Download the Excel template at the bottom of the upload screen. It has pre-filled headers that will reduce column mapping later.