An Ask is a pop-up question that will fill in information on your templates based on how you answer the question. You can create a type of Ask called "Party Selection" in TemplateLab.
Party selection is used when you have a template that needs to be generated that may need to go to a specific contact on a matter, but there are multiple types. For example: multiple plaintiffs or defendants on a matter and each will need to be served their own discovery requests. Party selection allows you to select which party to automate the template for.
This type of Ask is an advanced automation feature. You can also achieve a similar result by using Replace References.
How to use Party Selection
- Create an ask and choose Party selection as the answer type.
- Once you've created the Ask, highlight the place you want to insert your Ask and double-click to insert the Ask.
- When you go to generate the document from the TemplateLab library, the ask will pop up. Select the appropriate contact or party to include in the template. Note:
- You will still need to automate the template with singular fields, e.g. "Defendant/Role" or "Client/Full Name."
- You should only insert the Ask into the template once.
- When you make your party selection Ask, all singular fields related to that party in the template will populate accordingly.
- The "All Parties" fields under Cards will not work with Party Selection Asks and will still populate all parties' information.
Additional Resources
Watch this webinar from one of our training experts if you wish to learn more about Party select Asks.