Workers' Compensation Workflows

This article provides some sample workflows for Workers’ Compensation matters. Since every law firm and jurisdiction may be a little different, we encourage you to edit these workflows based on your own preferences or jurisdictional requirements.

If you are new to Smokeball and Workflows, review Workflows for specifics on how to create a workflow. It is simple to assign tasks to an attorney responsible, person assisting, or specific staff members.

Statute of Limitations Workflow

This is a workflow that is filled with tasks that are actually reminders.  Smokeball has both a report and a widget to track the Statute of limitation dates, but many firms like to have additional notice.


Task Due When Category Assignee
1 year until Statute runs out 1 year before Statute of Limitations Date Statute of Limitations Attorney Responsible
1 year until Statute runs out (copy) 1 year before Statute of Limitations Date Statute of Limitations Person Assisting
6 months until Statute runs out 6 months before Statute of Limitations Date Statute of Limitations Attorney Responsible
6 months until Statute runs out (copy) 6 months before Statute of Limitations Date Statute of Limitations Person Assisting
2 months until Statute runs out 2 months before Statue of Limitations Date Statute of Limitations Attorney Responsible
2 months until Statute runs out (copy) 2 months before Statue of Limitations Date Statute of Limitations Person Assisting
3 weeks until Statute runs out 3 weeks before Statute of Limitations Date Statute of Limitations Attorney Responsible
3 weeks until Statute runs out (copy) 3 weeks before Statute of Limitations Date Statute of Limitations Person Assisting


Client Treatment Check-In Workflow

Workers’ Compensation matters can vary greatly in length due to client treatments.  Many firms like to make sure they check in with their client every month to see how their treatments are going. This workflow includes six months' worth of reminders and a note to reapply the workflow if the client is still receiving treatment.  

Task Due When Category Assignee
Check in with client re treatment 1 month after The date this Workflow is applied to the matter Check-in Person Assisting
Check in with client re treatment 2 months after The date this Workflow is applied to the matter Check-in Person Assisting
Check in with client re treatment 3 months after The date this Workflow is applied to the matter Check-in Person Assisting
Check in with client re treatment 4 months after The date this Workflow is applied to the matter Check-in Person Assisting
Check in with client re treatment 5 months after The date this Workflow is applied to the matter Check-in Person Assisting
Check in with client re treatment and apply new workflow if client still treating 6 months after The date this Workflow is applied to the matter Check-in Person Assisting


New Matter Workflow

Workers’ Compensation matters are not going to have the exact same process for the entirety of the matter.  Settlement, Demand, and Depositions can all occur at different timelines for each matter.  However, you may have the same process for opening new matters for the first few tasks.  Below is a sample workflow for starting a new matter.


Task Due When Assignee
Send Engagement Letter On Matter Opening Person Assisting
Get signed Engagement Letter 2 days after Send Engagement Letter is completed Person Assisting
Draft and File Initial Filings On Get signed Engagement Letter is completed Person Assisting
Contact Opposing Counsel and Insurance Adjuster On Get signed Engagement Letter is completed Attorney Responsible
Send Matter Intake form to collect medical provider information On Get signed Engagement Letter is completed Person Assisting
Follow up on Matter Intake form 3 Working Days after Send Matter Intake form to collect medical provider information is completed Person Assisting


Be sure to include templates and forms in your workflow that may apply.

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