Workers' Compensation Contacts

Additional Parties Not Listed

There are a variety of additional fields in Smokeball's Workers' Compensation Law matter types. If you don't see a particular party listed in the matter details, select the gear to access the matter setting. You can then add or remove parties as needed.


Insurers and Adjusters

We recommend entering in Insurance companies just as the company without contacts. There is a separate contact card we have for the Adjuster. We recommend entering in Adjusters as people with the firm they work for in the care of line of the address. This also allows you to enter the local office address for the adjuster if it is different from the global company address.

Additional Parties Not Available in Smokeball

If Smokeball does not have a field already created for use and there is a unique party to keep track of on a matter, use Authorized Contact. Example: You need to keep a client’s family member information.


Experts or Doctors: You can specify your experts or doctors the same way as authorized contacts. To edit you contacts, right click on the contact and select Edit Role and Legal Description.


Note: Workers' Compensation contacts vary from state to state. If there is a contact missing, let your Account Manager know.

Did You Know

If there are specific contacts that you want as a default on every matter, you can create a Matter Template to default which of the available contacts show. Each time you create a new matter based off the template, the contacts will already be there for you.


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