Authorized Contact and Edit Role Legal Description

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

If you are working in matter and notice there is a particular field that is not available, and you've already looked at matter options, it is possible to take any contact and edit the legal role and description by using an Authorized Contact. 

Read on to learn more.

Add an Authorized Contact and Edit Role & Legal Description

    1. Select the gear on the top right of a matter.
    2. Select Matter Details.
    3. Select the Authorized Contact checkbox.

Add desired contact information to the Authorized Contact field in matter details. Once you've added a party, right-click and select Edit Role & Legal Description.

Note: You can "Edit Role & Legal Description" for any party in matter details.

Override and edit the "role" or enter the descriptor of the party.

The desired role will appear next to the party in the Matter Details.

Did You Know

You can add additional authorized contacts by right clicking on the field and following the steps for additional parties.

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