Welcome to Smokeball! As part of your subscription to Smokeball, our Legal Configuration team can automate proprietary templates for your firm. Document automation is a powerful feature that will save your firm time and prevent common drafting mistakes.
- When selecting the templates for Smokeball to automate, we recommend picking the documents and letters your firm generates multiple times a week and which are part of a repetitive process.
- It is best practice to first automate simpler documents for several reasons:
- Gives your firm the opportunity to become familiar with automation,
- Allows your firm to give feedback to our Legal Configuration team for future automated templates
- Helps you judge whether more advanced automation for longer documents is something your firm would use.
- If possible, submit clean versions of documents that do not include automation from other programs.
- Documents with external automation may conflict with Smokeball’s automation functionality.
- Submitting documents with existing automation may increase the Legal Configuration team’s estimated turnaround time.
Below is a list of high-impact templates that firms commonly send to Smokeball. Use this list as a guide when picking out your documents that you want us to automate for you:
List of Templates
Area of Law
All Areas of Law
- Engagement/Retainer Agreements
- Withdrawal motions and letters
- Letters to Client
- Letters to Opposing Counsel
- Case Closing Letter
Firm Administration
- File Cover Sheets
- Fax Cover Sheet
- Operating Agreements
- Partnership Agreements
- Simple Contracts (without Promissory Notes or Personal Guarantees)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Letter to Secretary of State (Annual Report)
- Meeting Minutes
- Draft Court Orders
- Appearance
- Proof of Service
- Notices of Motion, Filing, Hearing
- Discovery Requests & Responses
- Subpoenas
- Letter to Insurers
- Letter to Judge
- Simple Pleadings & Motions
- Appearance
- Notices of Motion, Filing, Hearing
- Subpoenas
- Arraignment Documents & Waivers
- Simple Pleadings & Motions
Estate Planning
- Powers of Attorney for Healthcare and Property
- Wills (non-testamentary)
- Pour-over wills
- Living wills
- HIPAA Release and Authorization
- Petitions for Divorce, Parentage
- Response to Petition
- Appearance
- Summons
- Notices of Motion, Filing, Hearing
- Discovery Requests & Responses
- Subpoenas
- Motions for Support, Attorneys’ Fees, Custody, Possession of Marital Residence
- Other Simple or Routine Motions
- Letter to Parties Entitled to Notice
Personal Injury
- Appearance
- Letters of Representation
- Notices of Motion, Filing, Hearing
- Discovery Requests & Responses
- Subpoenas
- Request for Medical Records & Bills
- Letters to Medical Providers, Insurers
- Lien Letters
- HIPAA Release and Authorization
- Demand Letter
- Letters to Heirs, Beneficiaries, Creditors, Persons Entitled to Notice
- Appearance
- Notices of Motion, Filing, Hearing
Real Estate
- Power of Attorney for Property
- Attorney Review Letter, Reply Letter
- Payoff Letter
- Inspection Letter
- Title Disclosure Letter
- 1099s
- Bill of Sale
- Alta Statement
- Affidavit of Title
- Affidavit of No Assessments
- Disclosure Statement
- FIRPTA Certification/ Certificate of No Foreign Status
- Personal Information Affidavit
- Plat Act Affidavit
Workers' Comp
- Letters to Medical Providers, Insurer
- Letter of Representation
- Discovery Requests & Responses
- Subpoenas
- Request for Medical Records & Bills
- HIPAA Release and Authorization
Did You Know
- You may submit documents that do not appear in the list above, but we highly recommend automating simple and repetitive documents first.