Contact Tags

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Learn how to use Tags to easily access groups of contacts when using Contacts View.

Every Smokeball contact that is used in your matters will have a default tag based on their role. Default tags cannot be edited or removed.

Read on to learn how to add tags to further organize your contacts. 

Add a contact tag

  • All contact tags are listed on the upper right-hand corner of a contact card.

  • Select the + icon to add custom tags. 
    • Any previously used contact tags will auto-fill as you type. 
    • Note: There is no limit on the number of tags you can add to a contact.

Remove a contact tag

  • Right-click on a custom tag to remove it.
    • You can also right-click on a custom tag to rename it. 
    • Note: Smokeball default tags cannot be renamed nor removed.


Filter and export contacts with tags

  • Navigate to the Reports view and select the Contact Export report.
  • Select a tag to filter your contact list using the dropdown menu.
    • You can select multiple tags using the checkboxes.
      • Selecting multiple tags will show all contacts included under each tag. For example, selecting 2016 will and Accountant will show all contacts with either the 2016 will tag or the Accountant tag, not just contacts which have both tags. 

  • Select the floppy disk button to export the filtered list to a CSV file.

Did You Know

  • Before your firm starts using contact tags, the best practice is to establish rules for which tags to use. For example, you should avoid tags that serve the same purpose, such as "Holiday List" and "Christmas List.”
  • You can also select the Email Marketing button to import a filtered list for email marketing with Campaign Monitor


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