Criminal Appeals

For cases that end up on appeal, it is best to open a new criminal appeal matter in Smokeball.

  • Use case details to keep track of lower court information and critical due dates.

Sample Appeal Workflow

Note: It is important to note that appellate court deadlines vary by jurisdiction so please refer to your jurisdiction’s rules.

  1. Enter the final judgement date
  2. File Notice of Appeal (due 30 days after final judgement)
  3. Notice of completion of clerk’s record (due 30 days after 2 completed)
  4. Appendix (30 days before filing of brief/7)
    • Notice of Exclusion from Public Access (checklist item)
  5. Notice of Filing of Transcript (90 days after 2)
  6. Notice of Completion of Transcript (5 days after 5)
  7. Appellant’s Brief (30 days after 6)
    • Include appendix
  8. Appellee’s Brief (30 days after 7)
  9. Reply Brief (15 days after 8)
  10. Date of court of appeals decision
  11. Petition to Transfer (30 days after 10)
  12. Response to Petition to Transfer (20 days after 11)
  13. Reply to Response to Petition to Transfer (10 days from 12)

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