Medicals & Settlement Details

Keep track of medical providers, document requests, invoices, liens, and balances by selecting Medicals and Settlement Details under the Plaintiff field in your Personal Injury matter. 

Medicals & Settlement Details also includes helpful reports generated from the information you enter on the Medicals and Liens & Balances tabs. The information you enter in this section can also be used to generate a settlement statement.


  • The medicals tab is where your important medical provider information is stored. Additional medical providers can be added by selecting the Add another provider link on the left side of the overall totals.
  • Service Start / End Dates, Initial Invoice Amounts, and Balances are automatically filled based on invoices entered below.
    • Select the check box on the far right of each medical provider to manually override these fields.


  • By selecting a medical provider first and then selecting Document Requests, all document requests can be tracked under the medicals tab.
    • Additional notes can be added to each request by selecting the note. blobid1.png
  • To add additional document requests, select the Add another document request link on the left side.
  • There is a PI & WC – Global Document Request Report that makes it very easy to see which records are still outstanding. We also have a Medical Records Request Widget for attorneys to see only the records outstanding for matters where they are assigned as the Attorney Responsible.


  • Any invoices associated with a medical provider can be entered by selecting the medical provider and then expanding the Invoices section.
    • Service Start / End Dates, Initial Invoice Amount, and Balance will be totaled and added to the medical provider table.
    • The Adjustment section here is for tracking any adjustments between the medical provider and the insurance company. Your negotiation adjustment is tracked elsewhere.
    • To add multiple Payors, right click on the line item and choose Add Payor.
    • To add additional invoices, select the Add another invoice link on the left side


Liens & Balances

Medical Liens and Balances Owed

  • Any potential lien holders from the Medicals tab will be automatically added to the Liens & Balances tab.
  • Each Medical Provider and Payor is listed as a potential lien holder. Use the check box to track whether a lien has been asserted. 
  • Each lien also allows you to see what the estimated total claim is from amounts entered in the Medicals tab.
  • You will need to manually fill in both the lien and final amounts.
    • The Final Amount column is especially important to complete. This is where you place the final, negotiated down amount.
    • If a Lien has been asserted, you must fill in the amount asserted in the Lien Amount column.
    • These amounts will be used to generate the settlement statement.


Other Liens and Balances

This section can be used to track liens and balances not related to medical providers. For instance, you can track information related to overdue child support or a loan the client needs to repay.


  • Each matter includes helpful reports under the Medicals & Settlement Details, including:
    • Documents Requested Report: documents requested dates and received dates organized by medical provider.
    • Medical Provider Summary Report: medical provider, dates of service, and total amount billed.
    • Medical Provider Summary Report (incl. contact information): medical provider, address of provider, dates of service, and total amount billed.
    • Medical Provider Summary Report - Chronological: Medical provider, dates of service, and total amount billed arranged by dates of service.
    • Medical Provider Outstanding Amounts Report: medical provider, dates of service, amount billed, and balance due.
    • Medical Provider Invoice Line Items Report: detail of invoice line items entered separated by medical provider. Includes dates of service, invoice description, initial amount, insurance adjustment and final invoice amount.
    • Medical Provider Invoice Line Items Report - Chronological: detail of invoice line items entered for all medical providers, ordered by service start date. Includes which provider, dates of service, invoice description, initial amount, insurance adjustment and final invoice amount.
    • Medical Provider Invoice Line Items Report with Payors: detail of invoice line items entered separated by medical provider. Includes dates of service, invoice description, initial amount, insurance adjustment, final invoice amount, payors, amount paid and balance due.
    • Medical Provider Invoice Line Items Report with Payors - Chronological: detail of invoice line items entered for all medical providers, ordered by service start date. Includes which provider, dates of service, invoice description, initial amount, insurance adjustment, final invoice amount, payors, amount paid and balance due.
    • Medical Lienholder Summary Report: summary information about medical payor and medical provider lienholders, including total claim, lien asserted, and the final amount that you have negotiated
    • Lienholder Summary Report: summary information about medical payor, medical provider, and other lienholders, including total claim, lien asserted, and the final amount that you have negotiated.
    • Lienholder and Balances without Liens Report: Summary report with lienholders both medical and other, as well as others with balances that have not yet asserted a lien. Lien portions include total claim, lien asserted, and the final amount that you have negotiated. Balances include balance due and final amount that you have negotiated.
    • Settlement Statement Report: this is a report to show you the current working Settlement statement. This is not meant to be shared with the client. Please use the Settlement Statement template in the Forms and Templates library for client signatures.        


Settlement Statement 

  • Select the Settlement Statement tab to enter the projected settlement amount, the projected settlement date, and actual settlement date. You can also enter attorneys' fees and costs.
  • Right-click on blank areas of each row to add custom line items, text items, or separators. You can also use this feature to delete items.

  • Select the links by the Firm Fee Type, Attorneys' Cost Type, and Medicals Type to customize the display of the line items.

  • Use the Standard Items tab to change the default items that appear on the Settlement Statement.

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