Smokeball Web App - General Troubleshooting

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost and the Grow and Prosper+ Cloud Companion App

The following are simple methods you can use to troubleshoot issues with Smokeball Bill, Boost, or the web app. If the following steps don't solve any of the listed issues, please email for further assistance.

Smokeball Bill Smokeball Boost

Log Out and Log Back In

For any issue with Smokeball, we would recommend logging out and logging back in. That will reload the firm's data and fix most of the issues that could occur. You should not have to do this action often, but it is the first step in troubleshooting potential issues. Please follow the steps below to log out and log in to Smokeball.

1. In the lower left corner of Smokeball, click on the gear icon.

2. Select Logout.

3. Once logged out, you will be prompted to log in. We would recommend clicking the X icon next to your username to clear it out. This will clear site cookies and redownload the data properly.

4. Type in your username (email) and password.

5. Click LOG IN.

Invoice Errors

If an invoice shows any of the following, then check with another user to see if they can view the same information in their Smokeball account:

  • Error status
  • Pending (or does not generate an invoice number)
  • Slow to load
  • Missing

If there is a mismatch or data missing, try the following:

1. Refresh your browser with F5.

2. Hard refresh your browser with CTRL + F5.

3. Log out and log back into Smokeball.

Mismatch in Due Balances

Q: Was the invoice payment applied at finalization or after?

Payments will not be reflected on PDF invoices after finalization. Please refer to the invoice pane or payments tab to verify payments.

Q: Was there a change in debtors?

Changing or adding/removing debtors can change how balances are reflected for matters or clients due to prior balances not being included. Make sure all invoices line up with the same debtor combination.

LawPay Links Not Showing on Invoices

When your firm's LawPay accounts are connected correctly to Smokeball, the "Pay Now" button will show on invoices. This will allow clients to pay online securely. More information can be found here.

If either the Pay Now button or QR code does not appear on the invoice, there are a couple of things to check:

  • Invoices with multiple debtors will not show the LawPay links.
  • The invoice settings have been disconnected. We would recommend checking the LawPay connection in the firm's invoice settings.
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