Changing a Client's Role and Representation

If you chose the wrong role for your client in a matter, follow these steps to rectify this:

  1. Right-click on your client and select Remove from the menu. mceclip2.png
  2. Right-click on the other party and select Remove from the menu. mceclip0.png
  3. Double-click on the Matter Type and change the role you represent from the drop-down menu. mceclip1.png
  4. Enter a reason for making the change and select the OK button. 
  5. Re-enter your client and the other party in the correct roles.


Q: How do I change who is assigned to a role after the matter is created?

A: Yes. Right-click on the individual in the role and select remove. Right-click again and then choose to enter a new contact or choose from an existing contact. 



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