eBrief Ready Integration


The eBrief Ready integration allows firms to upload and synchronise matters and copy folders and documents between Smokeball to eBrief Ready. It saves time and provides accurate and correctly formatted briefs for Counsel.

Learn more about the Smokeball and eBrief Ready integration from the eBrief Ready website.

Set up the integration in eBrief Ready

  1. Open eBrief Ready.
  2. Click the Welcome menu and select Smokeball.
  3. Sign into Smokeball.

Link an existing eBrief Ready matter to the Smokeball matter

The eBrief Ready matter synchronises with a selected Smokeball matter.

  1. Select the Smokeball matter in the left-hand panel.
  2. Click Manage Links.
  3. Tick the existing eBrief Ready matter in the dialogue window.
  4. Click the Update links button.

Link a new eBrief Ready matter

If the eBrief Ready matter does not already exist, create a new eBrief Ready matter:

  1. Select the Smokeball matter in the left-hand panel.
  2. Click the create one now button to link with a new eBrief Ready Matter. Alternatively, click Manage links > Create new Matter button.
  3. Input data in the fields.
  4. Click Create Matter to link with Smokeball.

Copy folders from Smokeball into eBrief Ready

After linking a Smokeball matter with an eBrief Ready matter, you can copy entire folders into eBrief Ready matters.

  1. Link together/open a Smokeball and eBrief Ready matter as detailed above.
  2. Click and drag a folder from Smokeball to the bottom of the eBrief Ready matter.

The new eBrief Ready matter and the Smokeball documents now appear in the eBrief Ready application.

Copy individual documents from Smokeball to eBrief Ready

You can also upload individual documents to eBrief Ready.

NOTE: the document needs placement in a folder in eBrief Ready.

  1. Select a sub-folder in the eBrief Ready matter. For example, Witness Statements.
  2. Click and drag the document(s) from Smokeball across to the folder.

Copy documents from eBrief Ready to Smokeball

It is also possible to copy documents the other way around, from eBrief Ready to Smokeball.

  1. Open the Smokeball folder to copy documents into (if required).
  2. Click and drag the eBrief Ready document into Smokeball.

The documents are now visible in the Smokeball matter.

Supported file formats in eBrief Ready

The following file types can be uploaded to eBrief Ready:

File type

Various formats supported


epub, mobi

Office docs

doc/x, xls/x, ppt/x, odt, ods, odp, odg, rtf


eml, msg, mht


bmp, dcm, eps, gif, jp2, jpg, png, ps, psd, svg, tga, tiff


aiff, m4a, mp3, mp4, ogg, opus, wav, wma


asf, flv, m4v, mp4, mpg, mkv, mov, webm, wmv, vob

For more information on supported file formats, please refer to eBrief Ready.

How to get help with the integration

If you need assistance with the eBrief Ready integration, contact eBrief Ready Support.

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