Delete a matter

Learn how to delete a matter in Smokeball that was created by accident.

When a matter is marked as Deleted, it will not be permanently deleted in Smokeball, for audit log purposes.

Smokeball Desktop App Smokeball Web App

Smokeball Desktop App

  1. Open the matter you wish to delete, then click on the File tab.
  2. SelectĀ Delete and confirm you wish to delete this matter.

View deleted matters

To generate a list of all matters that have been deleted:

  1. Navigate to theĀ Matter List.
  2. On the top-right corner, select theĀ Filter dropdown menu. Select theĀ Status dropdown menu and tickĀ Deleted.

Alternatives to deleting a matter

If you prefer not to have matters sitting in the Deleted matters view, consider reusing the matter by editing it or changing the matter type.

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