Kawaconn Integration

Kawaconn offers personal injury law firms a software solution to manage and retrieve medicolegal reports and medical records, with dedicated workflows for various services.


Kawaconn offers various features such as:

Custom workflows to automate the acquisition of medicolegal reports and medical records

thumbnail_Kawaconn - Workflow Solutions.png

Disbursement and invoice management

Specialised communication and case correspondence management

Learn more about Kawaconn on their website.

Enable the Kawaconn Integration

Kawaconn synchronises with Smokeball to streamline medicolegal services, eliminating double entries and improving accuracy.

To connect Smokeball to Kawaconn, log into your Kawaconn account and Authorise the Smokeball app.

Once connected, when you process a new assessment in Kawaconn, the Claim Information fields will be populated by Smokeball matter data. 

How to get help with the integration

If you need assistance with the Kawaconn integration, contact Kawaconn Support.

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