HubSpot Integration

Learn how to connect Smokeball to your HubSpot account.


HubSpot is a CRM platform that helps your business manage inbound leads, marketing and customer service. The HubSpot integration with Smokeball mainly focuses on leads, where leads created in HubSpot will flow through as a lead in Smokeball.

Important Note

The information in this article is not accessible yet as we are currently in the process of getting the HubSpot integration published on the HubSpot Marketplace. 

Connecting Smokeball to HubSpot

Before you begin, create a HubSpot account on the HubSpot website.

  1. Log in to HubSpot and click on the Cog wheel icon on the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Integrations from the left menu, then select Connected Apps.
  3. Search for Smokeball on the App Marketplace, then connect it.
  4. On the next screen, choose Australia from the Firm Region drop-down menu, then enter your Smokeball email and password and Sign in.
  5. Confirm your Smokeball account and select Choose Account to continue.
  6. On the next screen, select Connect app.
  7. If successful, you will receive an Authorisation success message. Now you can exit this window.
  8. Navigate back to Connected Apps in HubSpot settings. Smokeball should now be listed as an app.

How the HubSpot integration works

Syncing contacts to HubSpot

After connecting Smokeball to HubSpot, all new contacts created in Smokeball are synced to HubSpot. It may take up to a few minutes for the contact entry to appear in HubSpot.

You can access your contacts in HubSpot by selecting CRM from the left panel, then selecting Contacts.

Converting a HubSpot Deal into a Smokeball matter

From HubSpot, you can create new Deals associated with these contacts from the CRM > Deals section.

When a Deal transitions to the stage Closed Won, a new General matter will be created in Smokeball automatically.

To ensure the matter is created correctly, the contact must be listed under the Contacts section of the Deal. If the contact is missing, the matter will not be created in Smokeball.

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