Set up automatic matter numbering

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost, Grow and Prosper+

Learn how to set up an automatic Matter number counter in Smokeball.

Smokeball Desktop App Smokeball Web App

Smokeball Desktop App

  1. Navigate to the gear icon on the top-right corner of Smokeball to open your Smokeball Settings.
  2. Click on the Matter Number tab.
  3. Toggle on Use auto-number. You can also choose if Leads should follow this order.
  4. Choose your format (For more information on the formatting options, see below). 
  5. Choose your starting number in the Auto-counter. The first file you open will be the next number in line from what is entered.
    • Important Note: Make sure that the Preview Number (in bold) is the one you want to begin with. If the preview is not updating, click on an empty area in the window to refresh it.
  6. Click Save.

Formatting options


The auto-counter will generate your matter numbers based on the next consecutive number. When setting up your auto counter, ensure you enter the number before your starting file (i.e. If your next matter is 001 you should enter 0).

  • Note: Every time you update the 'Start from' and/or 'Number of digits', it will apply it to the next matter number. This is useful in situations such as if your numbering system resets at the start of a new calendar year.


Text allows you to enter in any alphabetic or "break" characters i.e. if you want to break the year from the number, you can use this to enter a / or -.

Date (MM)

If you wish to count the month into your reference number, this will provide the format of (MM), i.e. March = 03.

Date (YY) or Date (YYYY) 

For the year, you have the option to format as (YY) or (YYYY), i.e. 18 or 2018

The fields above can be placed in any order you like. To do this:

  1. Click on a field to add to your matter number.
  2. Select the field you would like to move.
  3. Use the arrows below to change the order.

MN 2.png

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