How do I search for a document when I don't know what matter it is in?

You can utilise the search function at the top right of the Smokeball Home Screen to search for documents, even if you don't know what it is called.

You can also search for Matters, Contacts, Events, Tasks and Memos

1. To search for a document enter the name of the document or part of the document's content in the search bar (1)

2. Select Tab titled Documents (2) or such other tab depending on your search requirement (memo, tasks etc)

3. Select search paramaters to further define the search (3).

The system will display documents named or containing the search information in chronological order with the most recent first.

4. It will also display the matter in which it is saved as well as the date modified and the author (4).

5. To view the document double click anywhere in the section displaying the search result (5).


Did you know…

  • You can search in individual matters by entering the search information in the search bar within the matter


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