Use Smokeball's phone message feature to notify a staff member that someone called for them. This feature gives you the option to leave detailed notes and the option to notify the staff member by email.
The phone message will appear in the Daily Digest and mobile app. It also creates a task, allowing them to track the activity.
Create a phone message from the home screen
Select Phone Message from the Smokeball Action Bar.
When creating a phone message this way, it's best practice to select the matter that this phone message relates to from the Matter field.
Create a phone message from a matter
Open a matter and select Phone Message from the Matter Action Bar.
Create a phone message in the Web App
You can create a phone message in the Smokeball Web App by selecting Create New, then Phone Message.
You can also create a phone message directly from the Tasks section.
View phone messages
Phone messages are classified as Tasks in Smokeball, so they will appear in any Task views or task lists.
Phone messages directed towards a staff member will also appear in their Daily Digest.
If the Notify via email option was ticked when creating the phone message on the desktop app, the staff member will receive an email as well.