Add and edit custom referral types

By default, Smokeball features a wide variety of referral types. However, you can add custom referral types to best reflect how referrals impact your business. Read on to learn more. 

The ability to add and edit custom referral types is restricted to users with Firm Owner permissions.

Add a new custom referral type

  1. Navigate to Smokeball Settings and select Referral Types.
  2. Enter the name of the new referral type in the designated field.
  3. Select Add.
  4. Select Save.

The new referral type will now appear in the list of referral types, in alphabetical order.

Edit a custom referral type

  1. Navigate to Smokeball Settings and select Referral Types.
  2. Locate the custom referral type you need to edit and select the pencil icon
  3. Save your changes by selecting the checkmark icon.
  4. Select Save.


Delete a custom referral type

  1. Navigate to Smokeball Settings and select Referral Types.
  2. Locate the custom referral type you need to delete and select the Delete icon.
  3. Confirm that you wish to delete the referral type when prompted. 
  4. Select Save.

Restore a deleted custom referral type

Deleting a custom referral type is not permanent. You can restore a deleted custom referral type:

  1. Select the Show deleted referral types checkbox.
  2. Locate the deleted custom referral type from the list. Deleted referral types will be greyed out and in italics.
  3. Select the Restore icon.

Note: If you delete a referral type that is linked to a matter or lead, it will stay assigned to the matter but be greyed out and in italics.

Access referral types from a matter

You can quickly access the referral types list from the Matter info window and then selecting the gear icon next to Referral Type.


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