Change the Client's Role on an existing matter

Some matters in Smokeball allow you to select your client role when opening the matter. If you select the wrong role and need to change this after the matter is already open, you can do so with the following steps:

  1. Right-click on your client and select Remove from the menu.
  2. Right-click on the other party and select Remove from the menu. 
  3. Double-click on the Matter Type and change the role you represent from the Acting for drop-down menu. 
  4. Enter a Reason For Change then select OK
  5. Re-enter your client and the other party in the correct roles.
    • When re-entering the parties you do not have to create the contacts again. As you start typing the contact's name, Smokeball will search for your existing contact to simply select and re-add to the matter and avoid creating duplicate contacts2024-08-23_10h58_15.gif

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