Add multiple office locations to Smokeball

Available on Smokeball Prosper+

If your law firm operates in multiple locations, learn how to add them to Smokeball and assign matters to specific offices. 

Add an office location

  1. Navigate to Smokeball Settings.
  2. Select the Firm Details tab and then select Add more than one office location.
  3. Select Add New.
  4. Enter the details of the branch office.
  5. Select Save & Close.

Edit or delete an existing office location

The Branch Offices section in Firm Details displays a list of all office locations you have added so far. Right-click on a Branch Name to Edit or Delete it.

You can also view deleted branch offices by selecting Show Deleted, which will then display the option to restore it.

Assign an office location to a matter

  1. Open your matter.
  2. Double-click on the Info line under Matter Details to open the Matter info window.
  3. In the Branch drop-down menu, select the branch office location.
  4. Select OK to save.
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