Sync Smokeball with your Outlook calendar

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Learn how to connect and sync your Outlook calendar with Smokeball, allowing you to manage calendar events either in Outlook or Smokeball, depending on your firm's preferences.

Any calendar event created in Smokeball will appear on Outlook, and every event created in Outlook can appear in Smokeball.

You can configure both features in the Outlook and Notifications tab located in Smokeball Settings.

How to access Outlook and notification settings

  1. Select File from the top-left corner of the Smokeball desktop app.
  2. Select Smokeball Settings.
  3. Navigate to the Outlook and Notifications tab.

Sync your Smokeball calendar with Microsoft 365

Follow these steps if your firm uses Microsoft 365:

  1. Select the Outlook and Notifications tab and then navigate to the Calendar Sync section.
  2. Enter the email address with the calendar you want to sync in the text box.
  3. Select the Set Up button.
  4. You'll be directed to sign in with your credentials.
  5. Once you have authorized your account, select the calendar you wish to sync.

    • The Disable option allows you to disable the sync of your current calendar without de-authorizing the integration. 
  6. Select Save. The status bar will turn yellow and indicate the syn is in progress. 

After completing the process, the status bar will change to green. Any changes made in your Smokeball or Outlook calendar will now automatically sync with the other.

Important Note: You can only sync 1 Smokeball user to 1 unique Microsoft 365 account.

  • For example, User A can sync their Smokeball calendar to any calendar in their own Microsoft 365 account.
  • However, User A and User B cannot sync both of their Smokeball calendars to the same Microsoft 365 calendar or account.

Sync your Smokeball calendar with your local Outlook desktop calendar

  1. In the Outlook and Notifications tab, navigate to the Calendar sync section.
  2. Select Setup calendar sync manually.
  3. Select Outlook Desktop - Local Sync and then select a calendar.

Frequently Asked Questions about Microsoft 365 Calendar Sync

If I switch from Local to Cloud sync, will my events duplicate?

No, events should not be duplicated.

Will choosing Cloud sync affect the Outlook email integration with Smokeball?

Syncing the calendar should not affect how emails are saved to matters, whether manually or automatically, through threads.

Do I have to use the set up wizard?

No. You can still sync calendars manually by selecting Setup calendar sync manually (pre-sync) or Use manual setup (post-sync).

Can I de-sync?

Yes. Select the disable button under the status bar. 

Choosing the best sync option for your firm

  • If your firm uses Microsoft 365 accounts, we highly recommend using Cloud Sync. You will be able to get updates to calendar events in real time from any device that can access Outlook 365, such as the Outlook mobile app. Since all data is saved to the cloud, there’s less likelihood of data corruption and interference that could cause issues with syncing.
  • For any other type of mailbox, such as IMAP or Gmail, use Local Sync to connect your calendars. Note that with this option, you can only sync your calendar on one device at a time.
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