Communicate Client Portal SMS Text Messages

The Communicate Client Portal can send an SMS text message directly from a conversation. You can reach someone via text message even if they are not using the Communicate Client Portal mobile app. Communicate Client Portal SMS text messages are an alternative way to respond to the Communicate conversation thread.

Note: An SMS will also be sent as a Client Portal message, and recipients of new client portal messages will receive an email notification. 

Send an SMS text message

  1. Select the Messages tab in Smokeball and select an external matter conversation from the left-hand column. 
  2. Toggle Send as SMS, write your message, and then select Send. 
    • SMS messages by default are sent to the cell phone number associated with the contact.

  3. Confirm your message’s status.
    • Sending SMS: Message is in transit.
    • Sent SMS: Message sent.
    • Delivered: Message was delivered and read.
    • Failed to Deliver SMS: Message was not delivered. 

SMS Text from the client perspective

  • Clients/recipients will receive an SMS message with a link to reply. 
    • Note: Each recipient of that SMS will receive a unique reply link. 


  • Once the recipient clicks on the link, one of the two following things will occur:  
    • If the recipient has the Smokeball Communicate app installed on their device, they will be taken to the app to view and reply to the conversation.
    • If the recipient does not have the app installed, they will be presented with their device’s default browser and a truncated version of the conversation with a message box to reply to the text. The recipient will not need to log in to Smokeball Communicate to respond to the message. 


  • The recipient can type out a response and select Send.
  • The client’s response will be in a highlighted section to indicate that it was sent via the quick link and not the Communicate web or mobile app. 

Receiving Client SMS messages

  • Clients who receive your SMS message on their phone can also reply to you as they would any other text message.


  • The response from the client will get saved back into your matter with the option to show the original message so you know exactly what the client is responding to.


  • A client will only be able to respond via SMS if they are in one conversation with your firm. If you start a separate conversation with the client, whether the same or different matters, the client will be blocked from responding.
  • If a client is in two or more conversations, they will receive this notification if they attempt to reply via SMS: 


  • This will happen if two or more separate conversations take place within a three-month period, regardless of any response previously made by your client. 
    • A client can still respond to the SMS message via the links in the original message or via the Communicate App.

Did You Know

  • A third party can respond with STOP to halt SMS Communicate messages. They will need to send START if they wish to receive new SMS Communicate messages. 
  • You can resend an existing Communicate message as an SMS text by selecting the three-dot icon and choosing Resend as SMS. 


  • You should reach out to Support if you are unable to access Communicate from within Smokeball. 


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