Form Suites

One of the most powerful tools in Smokeball is being able to automate Court & Authority forms quickly and accurately.

Smokeball is full of prescribed forms for various states. In order to utilize our form library, you will need to enable form suites. All Form Suites are included in your Smokeball subscription.

Enable Form Suites in Smokeball Settings

  1. Navigate to Smokeball Settings.
  2. Select the Form Suites tab and choose the Form Suite you wish to make available.
    • It is best practice to only enable Form Suites you will use to ensure the Forms & Templates Library remains easy to use and organized. You will be able to add additional Form Suites later if necessary.
  3. Select the appropriate State. Use FED for Federal Forms.
  4. Use the checkboxes under status to Subscribe and use the dropdown menus under Updates to Accept All Changes.
    • You can also choose to Only change documents or Don't change anything when updates are applied. 
  5. Select Save

Note: It may take some time to download specific form suites. Keep Smokeball open to allow it to download the newly subscribed form suites.

Did You Know

Smokeball will automate unlimited amount of court and authority forms.

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