Scan Documents in Smokeball

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

  1. Make sure a scanner is connected to your computer. 
  2. Open your matter and then select the Scan button.
  3. Select the scanner you wish to use in the pop-up window.
  4. Select the source of the scan (if applicable to your scanner) and then select OK.
  5. Once the scan is finished, complete the prompt asking you to name the file. You can also convert the file into a PDF.

Note: If you utilize a network scanner where documents are scanned to a shared drive, use the Importing Documents and Folders button to add the scanned document from the shared drive to your matter.

Did You Know

You can drag and drop files from a folder or your desktop into the Documents & Emails section in a matter.

You can also use Smokeball’s integration with Ricoh ScanSnap to scan documents.

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