Hona Integration

Available on Smokeball Boost, Grow and Prosper+

Learn how to connect Hona to Smokeball. 

Hona is a client communication platform that educates and keeps legal clients informed about their legal matters. 

Upon completing an action in Smokeball, such as updating a matter stage* or completing a task, Hona can automatically send clients updates about their matter.

The Hona and Smokeball integration offers the following features:

  • Automated mass SMS and/or email communication to clients after certain actions are completed in Smokeball
  • Reputation management and NPS surveys

*Matter Stages are only available for Smokeball Prosper+ plans.

Learn more about Hona on their website or email sales@hona.com.

Connecting Hona to Smokeball

Hona is intended to supplement your client's experience and give clients a way to interact with your firm, similarly to how they interact with other businesses on a day-to-day basis.

Once your Hona account is set up, refer to Hona's Getting Started guides to start customising your settings.

Getting support for the Hona integration

For further assistance with setting up Hona to work with Smokeball, refer to Hona's support articles or email support@hona.com.

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