Smokeball Boost Release - June 2024

Available on Smokeball Boost

This month, we have released new features in Smokeball Boost. Read on to learn more.

New features

Set different rates for Input and Output tax on disbursements

An Input GST and Output GST field has been added to the Disbursement Entry page. This allows you to set a different input and output tax rate on a disbursement.

You can also set different input and output tax rates on Activity Codes, which will then be applied to the disbursement if that activity code is selected.

To add Input and Output Tax on your disbursement Activity Codes:

  1. Navigate to the gear icon in the Smokeball Web App, then select Firm Settings.
  2. Select Time & Activities from the left panel, then click on the disbursement you wish to edit.
  3. Enter your Input GST Rate and Output GST Rate, then select Update Activity.

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