Disable access for users or former staff

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Learn how to revoke a staff member's access to your Smokeball firm. Also, learn how to restore access to previously revoked staff members.

Disable user access 

  1. Double click on the user’s name in the Staff & Users section. 
  2. In the Staff tab, tick the box next to Former Staff. 
  3. A warning will appear to confirm setting the user as former staff. Select Continue. 
    If the staff member had any external Client Portal conversations with clients, assign them to another staff member, then select Continue.

Important Note

If you intend to reuse the same email address as a former staff user, please contact the support team for assistance so you do not overwrite historical activities.

Restore access for a former staff user 

  1. Navigate to Staff & Users in Smokeball Settings.
  2. Right-click on the list of staff and select Show Former Staff.
  3. Double-click on the user’s name. 
  4. Untick the Former Staff box. 
  5. Select Enable Smokeball Access for this user. 
  6. Select Save. The user will receive an email from Smokeball to set up their Smokeball login again. 
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