RingCentral Integration

Available on Smokeball Prosper+

RingCentral is a VoIP (Voice over IP) phone provider that enables users to manage their inbound and outbound phone calls from their computer.

If you have RingCentral setup for your firm, you can now integrate it with Smokeball so we can automatically track the time spent on calls to your matters.

Visit RingCentral for more information

Authorising RingCentral

There is a new option available in your Smokeball settings Integrations which will allow you to authorise your RingCentral Integration.

Simply select RingCentral and Authorise then follow the log in instructions.



  • Enter up your minimum call preference (we will only track calls for this duration and longer)
  • Map all your users to their RingCentral extension

Please note that each user must have the RingCentral Phone application installed and logged in for the integration to work.

Call from Smokeball

By clicking on any contacts phone number within Smokeball it would automatically connect the call in RingCentral (this can be done from the Matter widget, contact card or contact tab)

Automatic tracking of phone calls

For any call that is made or received via the RingCentral Phone app, a task will be created in Smokeball with the call time automatically recorded.

Rules and Behaviour:

  • If the number calling in is entered on a contact card in Smokeball and that contact is on a matter,  the task will be entered onto that matter.
  • If a contact calls in that is assigned to multiple matters the task will be logged under the most recently created matter.
  • If the contact number is not recognised, it will be created as a task but not assigned to a matter.
  • You can access today's tasks to assign it manually to a matter (and note the phone number on the contact so it links automatically next time)
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