Add and apply Matter Tags to a matter

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Learn how to add matter tags to further categorise matters in a specific matter type.

Adding new matter tags

If you do not have any tags set up, you can add them from within the matter. 

  1. Select the Tag icon, then select edit tags.

  2. In the Tag field, enter the tag name and assign a colour to the tag. Then, select Add Tag.
  3. Select Save.

Matter Tags are specific to Matter Types, so they will only appear for matters under that Matter Type.

For example, tags created under the "Purchase" Matter Type in Conveyancing will not appear under the "Sale" Matter Type in Conveyancing. 

We recommend accessing Default Matter Tags to configure matter tags for all Matter Types in one go.

Applying matter tags

  1. Open the matter file and select the Tag icon under the matter name.
  2. Choose the matter tags you wish to apply. You can apply multiple matter tags to a matter.
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