Create a new matter


Ensure all critical documents, emails, and tasks associated with a client are all stored in one place using matters. 

Matters are Smokeball’s answer to the paper file, but accessible from anywhere. 

Depending on the matter type you select, relevant fields are already curated for you, so you can start entering important details immediately. 

Smokeball Desktop App  Smokeball Web App

Smokeball Desktop App

You can create matters from the Smokeball desktop app, or the web app. Matters created in one place are viewable from both. 

To create a new matter on the desktop app:

  1. Select New Matter from the Smokeball action bar. 

  2. Select the State from the dropdown menu, then expand the folder with the relevant area of law and select the appropriate matter type. 
    • If you are unsure which matter type to use for a specific matter, reach out to your account manager or view our Area of Law Practice Centre for additional best practices.
  3. Select Create (or Next, depending on the matter type).

Smokeball will open the matter on its own window, differentiated from the main Smokeball app by a dark blue coloured banner at the top.  


Next Steps

After creating a new matter, you can start customising matter details:

The minimum data required to save a matter is a Matter Number located in the Info row, and the Client’s Name (the row underneath the matter number). 

After you’ve created your first matter, consider adding frequently used matter types to your favourites, or create new matter templates to save time entering matter details. 

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