Exporting and importing Workflows

Export a workflow as a discrete file or import a preconfigured workflow into Smokeball to assist with your firm’s task management.

Export a Workflow

  1. Open Smokeball Settings.
  2. Select the Workflows tab from the left panel.
  3. Right-click on the workflow you wish to export and select Export from the menu.
  4. In the window prompt, choose the file name, file type, and destination folder for the exported workflow.
    • Save the workflow as a JSON .txt file if you plan to import this workflow back to Smokeball or to another Smokeball client.
    •  Save the workflow as a .CSV file if you wish to view a tabulated version of it in Excel.
  5. Select Save

Import a Workflow

To import a preconfigured workflow into Smokeball:

  1. Open Smokeball Settings.
  2. Select the Workflows tab from the left panel.
  3. Right-click anywhere on the list of workflows and select Import.
  4. In the window prompt, select the workflow file you wish to import and select Open.
    Note: You can only import workflows in the JSON format (.txt). 

Additional tips

  • An exported or imported workflow retains task details. Any checklists or attached documents will not be saved.
  • It is best practice to export or import workflows assigned to the Person Responsible or the Person Assisting.
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