Delete a contact or remove duplicate contact cards

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Learn how to delete contacts in Smokeball, including cleaning up duplicate contact cards that may have been created if that contact already existed in Smokeball.

Important Note

When you delete a duplicate contact, you will also need to reassign any matters or invoices to the contact card you wish to keep. If the matter and invoice history for both duplicate contacts are extensive, you may wish to keep the duplicate contact in Smokeball.

  1. Navigate to the Contacts section from the left menu in Smokeball.
  2. If removing a duplicate contact, find the contact you wish to keep and double-click it. Make sure all information is up-to-date and completed on this contact.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Right-click on the contact you wish to delete and select Delete.
  5. Use the Smokeball search bar to find matters that have been assigned to the deleted contact, and reassign the contact to the matter by selecting from existing contacts. 
  6. Open the Smokeball Web App to search for invoices that have been assigned to the deleted contact, reassign them to the correct contact, and re-finalise them. 

Restore deleted contacts

Contact cards cannot be permanently deleted from Smokeball.

If you need to review information on a “deleted” contact card:

  1. Right-click anywhere on your contact list and select Show Deleted.
  2. Find the “deleted” contact, then select Restore.
  3. Get the required information from it, then right-click and select Delete once done.
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