Apply contact tags

In Smokeball, you can create contacts to gather and save different details about an individual, group, or trust. You can later utilise this information in letters or forms. Each contact will be categorised based on their specific role in a matter, but you can also add extra, personalised tags to the default Smokeball tags.

To avoid confusion, it's recommended that you discuss and decide on the custom tags to be used by everyone in your organization. For instance, having similar tags like "Holiday List" and "Christmas List" may serve the same purpose and lead to redundancy.

Contact Tagging can be used to create additional lists that can be exported to CSV (Excel). The exported lists can be used for a variety of things, but not limited toĀ Email Marketing. Talk to your account manager or trainer about ways you can utilise contact tags for your firm.

Add a Contact Tag

  1. Open a contact card, then click on theĀ plus icon next to the tag icon on the right-hand side of the screen.
  2. Start typing the name of the tag. If the tag exists, select it from the list. Otherwise, press Enter to create a new tag.
    • You can add as many additional tags as you wish

Rename or Remove Tags

You canĀ renameĀ and/orĀ removeĀ a tag from a contact card, by right-clicking on the tag you want to amend.

  • Rename: This will rename the entire tag across all contacts. After renaming it, press enter to save your changes.
  • Remove: This will only remove the tag from the specific contact card you are in.

Remove a tag from all contacts

If you want theĀ remove a contact tag entirely, you can access the Contacts view from the Smokeball Home Screen and right-click on the tag to remove it. This will remove the tag acrossĀ allĀ contacts it was applied to.

Additional tips

Smokeball also has a similar feature calledĀ Matter Tags that can help you organise your matters. Talk to your Client Relationship ManagerĀ about some ideas on how to utilise matter tags for your practice.

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